Tegninger, animasjoner og trusselbilder (2011)
Exhibition at Tegnerforbundet. Catrine Thorstensen / Torgeir Husevaag.
Kranie (svart) og Kranie (grå) /Scull (black) and Scull (gray). Two drawings each 185cm x 90cm, colored pencil on paper. 2011
(foto: Vegard Kleven)
Cranium (black), 185cm x 90cm, colour pencil on paper, (2011)
Cranium (gray), 185cm x 90cm, colour pencil on paper, (2011)
Kolibri 4:1 (2011),20cm x 30cm, colour pencil on paper, (foto: Vegard Kleven)
Kolibri 4:1 (2011),20cm x 30cm, colour pencil on paper, (foto: Vegard Kleven)
Exhibition view, "Animasjoner, tegninger, trusselbilder". Tegnerforbundet, February 2011. (foto: Vegard Kleven)
The drawings are based on two bird sculls found in Iceland June 2010. The (almost) symmetrical figures aren't necessary
recognized as birds, they are more like symbols or emblems. Birds are often seen as messengers, and sculls (as used in
paintings etc.) usually tells us that "everything will perish", and is a symbol of death.